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Home educational support

What is Home educational support?

Article 22 of the Law 328/2000 establishes that the integrated system of social actions and services guarantees the citizens, in their local social and health district, some fundamental health services, representing the basic levels of social assistance, defined LIVEAS.

These basic levels guarantee a range of social actions and services in order to guarantee individuals and families quality of life and social citizenship, as well as equal opportunities and protection for vulnerable individuals.

The Home educational support encompasses a variety of activities addressed to minors and families that risk a social disadvantage, with the aim to foster independence and improve interpersonal relationships in the domestic and social context.

What kind of activities?

The activities are based on a personalised educational project according to the user’s needs. Among others:

  1. for the minor:
    • build meaningful relationships that produce a change in the behaviours that create a disadvantage
    • expand the minor’s network of relationships to promote the process of meeting, sharing and enriching, also within the community the minor belongs to
    • contribute to increase the minor’s incentives and resources, which are important to stimulate their physical and intellectual growth and develop specific operational abilities
  2. for the family
    • build meaningful relationships fostering the awareness of the behaviours that create distress in the minor, and changing them gradually
    • contribute to orient the members of the family towards each others, within a relationship made of appreciation and acceptance of their selves and their roles inside the family
    • work on the reaffirmation of the parental role

Who is eligible for this service?

This service is for families with minors living under provision of the Juvenile court and/or experiencing a social disadvantage for multi-problematic situations.

Request home educational support

This service is provided by the Department of social services and family policies. Upon acceptance of the request, social services, together with the family, create a Personalised educational project, taking into account the collected data and information, as well as the other local services that have already taken in charge the minor.

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